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Monster's Inc.: Boo on the Loose

by Gail Herman
Mike and Sulley don't know what to do when a little girl enters their monster world. 19 pages, Ages 5-8

Item Number: 8515
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Uncontracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $7.50
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Reviews for Monster's Inc.: Boo on the Loose
4This story features characters from the movie MONSTERS, INC. Sulley is the top Scarer at the Scare Factor in the monster world. However, he finds his job in jeopardy when he finds a little human girl, Boo on the Scare Floor. Sulley doesn't know what to do and hurries home to consult his good friend Mike. Mike comes up with a plan to get rid of the girl and what follows is lots of laughter and chaos.

Many children are familiar with the movie and if they are they will enjoy reading this book. However, even if they are not, the book is a self-contained unit and with characters like Sulley, Mike, and Boo, they will probably enjoy reading it anyway. Since the story contains monsters, it's a nice tale to read at Halloween.


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