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**Homeless Bird

by Gloria Whelan
When 13-year-old Koly enters into an ill-fated arranged marriage, she must either accept India's tradition or find the courage to oppose it. National Book Award Winner. 161 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 1135
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $17.00
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Reviews for **Homeless Bird
5Thirteen year old Koly leaves her family and a simple, but harsh country life, when she is married off to a Hindu boy she has never met. She knows she cannot resist, because her dowry will help her family financially. To her surprise, she is soon widowed when the groom dies of tuberculosis. She is then left in the hands of his selfish and greedy Mother. Koly is eventually abandoned in a holy city where unwanted widows are deserted, and must use her strength and courage to carve out a life for herself. This is a beautifully written and fully engaging story with imagery that transports the reader directly into Koly's world. Readers will admire this strong female character who must rely on herself and her beautiful gift for embroidery to become self sustainable and find true happiness. Hindi terms and explanations of Indian culture give a fascinating look at life in modern India and the societal limitations of girls and women.


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