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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

by Kate DiCamillo
This is a beautiful story by an award-winning author about a vain and selfish china rabbit who learns the value (and price) of love. 97 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 1144
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $13.00
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Reviews for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
5Kate Dicamllo has triumphed again, writing what I consider her best book yet, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane." I read it in about an hour and sat crying over the last chapter. The tears were happy tears, though, and the ending very satisfying. The story revolves around the character of Edward Tulane, a vain china rabbit who is loved by his owner, but feels no love in return. A misadventure throws him out of his pampered life and into a path of a series of fascinating people, each one more lovely than the last. Edward's heart grows and grows until the question is not can Edward love, but can he love again after the depth of his heartbreak. Dicalmillo has a pared down narrative style that is refreshing and thought provoking. "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" may be a children's book, but it is never childish. The message about loving and being loved is one that is important for people of all ages.


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