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Dear America: A Journey to the New World

by Kathryn Lasky
Twelve-year-old Mem presents a diary account of the trip she and her family made on the Mayflower in 1620! 171 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 495
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $17.00
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Reviews for Dear America: A Journey to the New World
5Patience Whipple, called Mem by her family, is twelve years old in 1620. Her family, in search of religious freedom, sail to the new world on the Mayflower. Mem is a bit frightened at the prospect of living in this wild new land, having heard tales of strange and frightening native people who attack the settlers. The sea voyage is long and tedious, full of seasickness, daily boredom, and teasing from the mean Billington boys.

When the Pilgrims arrive in the new world, Mem finds it is not the wild Indians they have to fear; rather, the danger they face is from hunger and disease. The first winter is long and cold, and many of the settlers become sick and die. Mem must deal with her fears for her family and friends, and eventually the loss of her mother, which leaves her struggling to find the strength and courage to go on.

Mem's fictional diary is both entertaining and educational. It brings to life the journey on the Mayflower and the settling of Plymouth Colony, as well as the hopes, dreams, and fears of a young girl settling in a strange new land.


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