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Judy Moody Saves the World!

by Megan McDonald
Judy finds that saving the world isn't easy, but she does come up with a class recycling project that truly makes a difference! 74 pages, Ages 6-10

Item Number: 1194
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $10.50
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Reviews for Judy Moody Saves the World!
5In all the Judy Moody books Judy has a mood for everything. In this wonderful tale of Judy, she is in the mood to create a "Crazy Stripe" (band-aid) so that millions of people over the world could wear her work of art. That dream soon fades when one day at school, Judy's teacher in class T3 starts teaching them about recycling and endangered species. Judy starts to think about recycling and saving the world. Judy gets so involved with saving the world by recycling that she gets her entire class motivated to help. Class T3 starts to collect bottles to recycle. The students in class T3 decided that they will use the money from recycling to help plant new trees in the rain forest. At the end of the book Judy Moody is rewarded for her efforts in helping to save the world in front of her entire school!
This is a wonderfully written book with a great story line. As a teacher this would be a great book to help students understand the importance of recycling and helping save endangered species. Students will not only learn from reading this book, but will also get a laugh out of reading about Judy, her brother Stink, her friends Frank and Rocky, and class T3.


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