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Fantastic Mr. Fox

by Roald Dahl
Have fun with Mr. Fox and his fine family as they try to out-fox the three meanest farmers around! Another witty winner from a favorite author! 65 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 198
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $10.00
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Reviews for Fantastic Mr. Fox
5The leading character is a chicken-stealing thief and a cellar-raiding rogue. He's also a loving husband and a caring father. He's even kind to rabbits. Oh, and he's a fox. What more could you want in a leading man?

Roald Dahl's "Fantastic Mr. Fox" tells the story of how Mr. Fox and his family fend off an assault by farmers Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. Losing his tail to the farmers' bullets, Mr. Fox tries to wait out the farmers' vigil, but Boggis, Bunce, and Bean have other plans. They try to dig up the Fox family's den with steam shovels, forcing Fox and family ever farther underground. Derided by the townspeople for flattening a whole mountain just to catch a fox, the farmers decide to see who can last longer, them or Mr. Fox.

Mr. Fox, on the other hand, comes up with a brilliant way out. Like any well-written children's story, "Fantastic Mr. Fox" is several notches above the average simplistic picture book but not so long that it can't be read in its entirety as a bedtime story. It remains a favorite of adult readers as well.


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