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The Polar Express

by Chris Van Allsburg
A magical train ride on Christmas Eve takes a boy to the North Pole. 24 pages, Ages 4-8

Item Number: 8532
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Uncontracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $8.00
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Reviews for The Polar Express
5Knowing nothing about this story, both my son and I were drawn to it because of his love of trains. If you don't know the story, just be aware it introduces the idea that not all people believe in Santa Claus. This was the first time my (then) three-year-old learned that not everyone believes, whether they are adults or children. It also explains that as some people grow older they change from a believer to a non-believer. Just know that before reading the story to your child. For us it introduced the idea of non-believing. Another family I know read the book after an older child told this young child there is no Santa Claus, and the book helped deal with the issue of when some believe and some don't believe.


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