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Missing May

by Cynthia Rylant
Since Summer was six, she lived with dear Aunt May and Uncle Ob. Now, six years later, Aunt May has died. Summer misses May with all her might, and she worries about how she and Ob will go on. A Newbery Award Winner! 86 pages, Ages 10-14

Item Number: 420
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $12.25
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Reviews for Missing May
5After the death of Summer's mother, Summer is passed from one foster home to another at the age of only six years old. Then a miracle happens. Aunt May and Uncle Ob decide to take her back with them to West Virginia. When Summer thinks her life is finally getting better, Aunt May dies. Both Summer and Uncle Ob are having a hard time coping with the death of their loved one. When things seem like they can get no worse, Cletus Underwood from her seventh grade class gets involved. Cletus ends up helping Summer discover a number of things about herself. She learns to deal with death and help Uncle Ob recover in a way she did not expect.

This is a great book to read. It helps both children and adults understand how to deal with losing a loved one. The author uses both humor and suspense to entice and captivate the reader.


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