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Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery

by David A. Adler
Cam, Eric, and Danny discover that their computers are missing from the lab at school. Were they stolen? Can they solve the mystery? 39 pages, Ages 6-9

Item Number: 1507
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $7.00
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Reviews for Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery
5You have to love Cam Jansen. As a kid, you read all of these stories about magic powers, mystery, and adventure. But everyone tells you magic can't exist. Cam Jansen manages to solve every case without the use of magic... she's a normal girl. That's what makes her special and what makes you want to read more and more. Cam Jansen is a real kid superhero, and the thought that a person like her could actually exist... makes her the best kid detective ever!

4This is the perfect book for a budding mystery/detective reader--especially for girls who want to look up to the protagonist.


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