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The Ordinary Princess

by M.M. Kaye
No prince could be found to marry this plain-looking princess, but that didn't bother Amy. She had other plans anyway--like running off for an enchanting adventure! 130 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 218
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $15.00
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Reviews for The Ordinary Princess
5This story is attractive to modern audiences because of the idea that what is traditionally valued by society is not always the most valuable thing to have. What Amy lacked in beauty and elegance, she certainly made up for in warmth, gentleness, kindness, and friendliness. Amy, like other fairy-tale princesses, was so gentle that she had animal friends that kept her company, a crow, and a squirrel. She was able to look past herself and think of others, because she was not caught up in her appearance. She was straight-forward and sometimes rambunctious about the way she did things. This story has the fantastic, enchanting aspect of a fairy tale, but because Kaye chose to combine that with the ordinary aspect of humanity, it can attract and resonate with a wider audience.


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