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Tuck Everlasting

by Natalie Babbitt
A modern fantasy about Winnie Foster, 10, who discovers the Tuck family's secret: they have drunk from a magic spring and are blessed with--or doomed to--eternal life! 139 pages, Ages 9-12

Item Number: 167
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $16.00
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Reviews for Tuck Everlasting
5One word to describe this story is "enchanting". It's the kind of story that a child would dream up laying on a moon-drenched grass on a summer evening. The kind that gives you shivers, because it just might be real. I love this story for its simplicity--the author doesn't try to force it to be more than it is. She just lays it out in front of you and leaves you to ponder. And it's magical. You've just gotta love a book like that!

I recommend this book for older children who are ready to contemplate the issues of life and death, but who can still appreciate fantasy. I also highly recommend it to adults. It just might help you consider the magic of life so often dismissed as childish dreaming.


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