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A Gift of Magic (2 vol.)

by Lois Duncan
She knows who is calling before the phone rings. She can read people's minds. Nancy's E.S.P. both frightens and intrigues her. Will she use her gift for good or for evil? 220 pages, Ages 10-14

Item Number: 411
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $19.00
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Reviews for A Gift of Magic (2 vol.)
5I loved this book! It was exciting. I never wanted to put it down. It's the best story I've read in years. The characters seem so real. I can picture everything that is going on.
In a Gift of Magic, Nancy has a special gift of ESP. She can go into other people's minds, and she knows who is on the phone, before it even rings! But now she can move things with her mind, and she's using it to get things her way. She doesn't want her sister, Kirby, to go to Atlanta to become a professional dancer, so she sets her mind, and then she gets her way!


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