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Anne Frank: Life in Hiding

by Johanna Hurwitz
Here is a sensitive and thoughtful biography about one of the best-known victims of the Holocaust. 60 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 535
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $9.50
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Reviews for Anne Frank: Life in Hiding
5This book is magical, because the author makes you feel like you are in the scene. It made me think how hard it would be to live like the young Jewish girl, Anne Frank. Living a life with guns being shot and having to move so much.
I can not imagine living like Anne. She could only go to shops that have the Jewish signs. Anne was very brave. She was a great person. You should read this book, because it,not only is informative, but it also will remind you how lucky you are to have the freedom to go anywhere you want to go.
I had a lot of fun reading this book and it showed me how lucky I am to be here in the United States. This book also taught me how cruel Hitler was to the Jews and other people.


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