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After the Rain (2 vol.)

by Norma Fox Mazer
A powerful and sensitive novel about Rachel, 15, who worries about everything, including whether her friends will like her. As she gets to know her grandfather, he begins to show her how special she is. A Newbery Honor Book! 339 pages, Ages 12 & up

Item Number: 668
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for After the Rain (2 vol.)
5The entire book takes place in a rural countryside on the eastern coast of the United States. Rachel's grandfather, Izzy, was dying. He had contracted a terminal disease called mesothelioma. This disease usually attacks the lining of the lung and does not have a cure. Unfortunately, Izzy has the disease both on the lining of his lungs and in his lungs. Rachel, after grasping the fact that her grandfather was dying, spent more time with him before his death. She walked with Izzy almost everyday and took care of him as best she could. As Rachel got to know him, she grew to love him immeasurably. When Izzy finally became so weak he has to go to the hospital, Rachel skips school for many weeks to be with him.
The events after Izzy died are described so vividly that tears came to my eyes.


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