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American Girls History Mysteries #1: The Smuggler's Treasure

by Sarah Masters Buckey
It's 1814 and Elisabet's father has been taken prisoner by the British. Her search for money to buy her father's freedom takes her into a world of pirates, smugglers, and enemy ships! 191 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 676
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $18.50
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Reviews for American Girls History Mysteries #1: The Smuggler's Treasure
5"A treasure of a book! - As the first in Pleasant Company's History Mystery Series, The Smuggler's Treasure serves to entice young readers thriving on excitement. The publishers picked well when selecting it as the heralding book of the series due to the provocative excitement of Elisabet's struggle against Pirates and her independent ransoming for the freedom of her father. Sure to be a positive factor with parents, teachers, and librarians. Historical documentation provides a framework for the interested child to weigh the difference between fact and fiction and allows teachers an accessible way to frame discussions on history.
The boy or girl reader is guaranteed to close the book with renewed curiosity about the real-life drama of pirates and the contented satisfaction of an adventure well written."
---Reviewer: Ford City Public Library (Ford City, PA USA)


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