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**New Dawn on Rocky Ridge (2 vol.)

by Roger Lea MacBride
Rose and her family witness the dawn of a new era as they celebrate the turn of the 20th century. A continuation of the story Laura Ingalls Wilder told of her own childhood that has charmed readers for generations. 322 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 732
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $19.00
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Reviews for **New Dawn on Rocky Ridge (2 vol.)
5I have to say that this book was the best book of the whole Little House series. I have read every single book in the series and this one has been the best one for me yet. Macbride lets you in on the years of Rose's life when she is growing up in the most important years of her life. He also takes you to the time where Laura's father 'Pa' passes away, and he gives you Laura's perspective of when she takes the train back to her home town for the first time since she left her family years before. He also takes you to the moment of 'Pa's' death and saying good-bye to him. Since I have read the entire series of the Little House books, it was refreshing to see Laura's point of view for a couple of chapters and the heartbreak she felt before and after her father's death. I have to say that I was in tears for two chapters straight. It took me back to the warmth of the house when Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, Carrie, and Grace lived there. I recommend that if you read these books, read them in sequence, so you can get the full effect of time and technology and how it progresses with time. I highly recommend this book to all readers of the Little House series.


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