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Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought)

by Kathleen Krull
Red was Mozart's favorite color. Beethoven was a slob. Clara Schumann's concerts were so popular that police had to be called in for crowd control. Here are the fascinating and often humorous stories of twenty famous musicians. 122 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 544
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $14.00
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Reviews for Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought)
5Most eccentrics do not become famous and most talented souls remain undiscovered. In "Lives of the Musicians", however, eccentrics with talent not only were discovered, but lauded long past their own lifetimes. Author Kathleen Krull has created the world's first interesting children's collection of biographical information concerning some of the best composers ever to breathe.

The book spans the field of music from Verdi to Woody Guthrie. Each entry (there are sixteen in total) contains a description of the artist's life. These descriptions, as described by the author herself, "are offered now as a way of getting closer to the musicians - and the music". Every quirk and interesting tidbit is laid before the reader in the most wonderfully entrancing ways.


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