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**Brian's Hunt

by Gary Paulsen
In this suspenseful adventure, Brian returns to the wild to hunt for a bear that has attacked his friends. (Note: the story includes graphic descriptions of the bear attacks.) 107 pages, Ages 10-14

Item Number: 1053
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $13.50
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Reviews for **Brian's Hunt
5This story is about a young man who takes a camping trip to the vast Candian bush to visit some old Indian trapper friends. Along the way he picks up a wounded Indian wolf dog. Sensing that something is wrong, Brian quickens his pace. When he arrives at the camp he finds it abandoned. Noticing that his new companion is growling at something on the ground, cautiously Brian approaches and finds a track of a bear. Following the tracks into the dark forest, he soon finds himself staring into death itself.


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