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The Kissing Hand

by Audrey Penn
When Chester the raccoon is reluctant to go to school, his mother teaches him a secret way to carry her love with him. 13 pages, Ages 4-8

Item Number: 8503
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Uncontracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $7.00
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Reviews for The Kissing Hand
5Audrey Penn's simple, but powerful text would touch anyone's heart. A young raccoon, who is having doubts about the first day of school, decides he would much rather stay home with his mother. Unfortunately, staying home is usually not an option and Mrs. Raccoon shares a "wonderful secret" to help him feel safe while at school. A simple kiss on a hand and a touch on a cheek is all that takes for this young Raccoon, Chester, to take a leap into his first journey alone.

Although this book is listed for children ages 4 to 8, I believe any person who has a child within themselves would appreciate the warm feeling you get after reading The Kissing Hand. The simplest action, like kissing a hand, can have the everlasting feeling of comfort and love. Through this secret and heartwarming reassurance, Penn captures the doubt in a child's mind and the heartache of mothers letting go for the first time.

I highly recommend this book to parents who want to reassure their children, and even themselves, the love that will always be with them even away from home. The Kissing Hand would be an excellent classic to add to a library in any home or classroom.


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