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Baby Sitters Little Sister #1: Karen's Witch

by Ann M. Martin
Karen's neighbor wears long black robes and has a black cat named Midnight, and Karen is afraid she is a witch! 70 pages, Ages 7-10

Item Number: 227
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $10.50
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Reviews for Baby Sitters Little Sister #1: Karen's Witch
5When I was about six or seven years old, my mom had bought me "Karen's Witch". It was this book that in a sense kicked off my love affair with reading. I felt like I was her best friend and she was just sitting across the room talking with with me like she did with Hannie or Nancy. As I got older, I became more acquainted with her stepsister, Kristy, and the adventures of "The Babysitter's Club" Those joys stayed with me until I was about 13 or 14. Since then, at the age of 22 I have read many more books and loved most, but this one sticks with me the most, because it started my love affair with reading.


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