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Boxcar Children #4: Mystery Ranch

by Gertrude Chandler Warner
The children are spending the summer out west on their Aunt Jane's ranch, but it isn't until the end of the summer that they discover her secret and the truth about Mystery Ranch! 78 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 407
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $11.50
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Reviews for Boxcar Children #4: Mystery Ranch
5The adventure begins when Grandfather gets a letter from his sister's neighbor, who also acts as her nurse. Jane is impossible and Maggie, the neighbor, is going to leave. Grandfather is worried, because his sister can't live alone. When the girls offer to go stay with her, it seems like a perfect - if temporary - solution.

On the train to Centerville, the girls meet a mysterious man who disappears as soon as they get off the train. Taking care of Aunt Jane takes their mind off the identity of the man and the girls settle in happily. Unable to resist her great-nieces, Aunt Jane begins to respond and even starts to be happy! As the end of the summer looms, the whole family is re-united on the ranch in time to save the ranch, solve the riddle of the mystery man, and celebrate Aunt Jane's birthday - and her decision to let go of an almost lifelong grudge against her brother.

More sentimental than most of the rest of the series, Mystery Ranch is a good read for lessons in forgiveness, family, and love.


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